The face of Ukraine in the world meat market: the rating of exporters

In January-July 2017, Ukrainian exporters raised $ 299.17 million from meat sales (beef, pork and poultry) abroad, which is 1.5 times more than a year ago, the analytical department of Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB) reported.
The volume of sales of this product abroad amounted to 195.6 thousand tons.
The most significant volumes of exports were traditionally provided by poultry farmers. They sold abroad 168.3 thousand tons of poultry worth 226.4 million dollars.
The key exporting companies of this product in January-July are MHP (81.9% of the natural volume of exports), Myronivsky Plant for the Production of Cereals and Mixed Fodders (3.6%), Myasopererabatyvayushhij Kompleks LTD (2.6%), AGRO-OVEN (1.5%), SMP (1.2%).
The volume of export of fresh beef was 6,5 thousand tons (6,4 thousand tons of which were sold to Belarus). Revenue from the export of this group of goods was $ 17.2 million in the reporting period.
The list of the main exporters of this product is much more differentiated. The first place in terms of sales volume in tonnes holds the company Antonovsky MK (16.1%), followed by Agro-Product (14.7%), Zeus LTD (7.6%), Konotopmyaso (7.4%), Svizhenka (6.9%).
Frozen beef was purchased by foreign buyers in the amount of 16.9 thousand tons worth 47.3 million dollars. Top-5 exporters: Agro-Product (9.1% of the volume of supplies in physical terms), Rachinmyaso (7.5%), Lubnymyaso (6.7%), Zeus-LTD (4.5%), Prodkompaniya (4.3%).
Sales of fresh, chilled and frozen pork brought Ukrainian exporters 8.3 million dollars. Natural volume of supplies amounted to 3.9 thousand tons. The most significant volumes of supplies were made by the companies APK-Invest (47.7%), Exim Food (9.5%), Kremenchuk Myaso (5.6%).