Trade mission to China brought Ukrainian companies first orders from Chinese importers

Ukrainian food companies - participants of the trade mission to China organized by the Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB) received the first orders for sugar, pork and sunflower oil from Chinese importers, said UFEB chairman Bohdan Shapoval.
"We received the first orders for sugar, pork and sunflower oil. If oil is supplied directly to China, sugar and pork - only to Hong Kong. The volume of orders is quite large and we are encouraged. Dairy products have not such a good demand, but still they have good chances for access to the Chinese market. We clearly see that there is interest in the Ukrainian market, and it will further strengthen. Now our producers need to work to get a satisfactory price for their products. We from our side will help them to get all the permitionary dociments for export of these products," - said Shapoval.
He added that the work on the opening of the Chinese market for Ukrainian producers of food brings success. According to the information, which is available to UFEB, the Chinese market will be opened for Ukrainian beef by the end of this year.
The trade mission to China was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and was held in one of the largest food exhibitions of the Asian region ANUFOOD China in 2016 from 16 to 18 November in Beijing.
UFEB (Ukrainian Food Export Board) is an association of producers of food which helps domestic food industry to enter new markets and to gain a foothold on traditional ones.
The objective of UFEB is to create a positive image for food labeled Made in Ukraine with consumers all over the world. Within its activities UFEB provides analytical and advisory assistance for its members on the conditions and opportunities for food exports.