UFEB helped Ukrainian beet pulp to enter the Chinese market

In January of this year, Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB) organized technical support for the visit of the Chinese delegation to inspect the Ukrainian beet pulp factories, as a result of which the leading manufacturer of this product, Astarta-Kiev, received permission to export to the PRC.
"This is certainly a landmark event. More and more countries know Ukraine as a reliable supplier of quality products. We continue to help the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection and our enterprises with the opening of new markets. In particular, we are waiting for the result of another mission from China, which ended at the end of April and for which we provided technical support. Subject to the positive conclusion of the Chinese inspectors, Ukraine will be able to obtain a permit for the export of beef," - the director of UFEB Bogdan Shapoval commented.
UFEB (Ukrainian Food Export Board) is an association of producers of ready-made food products, which helps domestic food industry enterprises to acquire new sales markets and consolidate them to traditional ones. The goal of UFEB is to create a positive image for food with the mark Made in Ukraine among consumers in all corners of the world. As part of its activities, UFEB provides its members with analytical and consulting assistance on the conditions and opportunities for export.