Exports of dairy products from Ukraine decreased by 9% in 2016

Exports of dairy products from Ukraine in 2016 amounted to 109.2 ths tons, which is 9% less than in 2015 and 3% less than in 2014. In value terms, exports of this commodity group decreased by 11% compared to 2015 and 2 times in comparison with the year 2014, amounting to about $ 158 million.
This was reported by the Analytical Department of Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB), referring to the original data of the State Fiscal Service.
The lion's share in the export of dairy products from Ukraine belongs to manufacturers of condensed milk and cream (including dry). In 2016 Ukraine supplied to foreign markets 51.9 ths tons of this production, which is 12% less than in 2015, but 4% higher than in 2014. Major importers: Kazakhstan ($ 15.2 million, or 20.6%.), Bangladesh ($ 7.8 million, or 10.6%.) and Turkmenistan ($ 7.7 million, or 10.4%.).
Last year exports of whey from Ukraine amounted 23.9 ths tons, down 10% compared to the previous year, but 7% higher than in 2014. Among the buyers of these products lead China and Vietnam ($ 2.1 million., or 15% each), as well as Pakistan with a share of 14% (about $ 2 million.).
In terms of sales for export, butter and milk fats hold the third place. In 2016, exports of these products amounted to 12.1 ths tons, exceeding the amount of 2015 by 3% and of 2014 - by 7%. The largest importers of butter and milk fats were Kazakhstan ($ 9.9 million., or 26.4%), Georgia ($ 5.5 million., or 14.7%) and Egypt ($ 4.1 million., or 10.8%).
The positive trend is also noted in exports of milk and cream, not condensed. Over the past three years, the export of these products from Ukraine increased from 6.9 ths tons in 2014 to 10.5 ths tons in 2016. The main importers last year were Moldova ($ 2.7 million., or 50.4%), Georgia ($ 1.4 million., or 26.3%) and Libya ($ 0.4 million., or 8%).
The export of cheese from Ukraine continues to decline. Thus, in 2016 Ukrainian companies sold abroad 8.1 ths tons of cheese of all kinds, which is 26% lower than in 2015 and 2.4 times less than the volume exported in 2014. The largest buyers of these products in the past year were Kazakhstan ($ 13.1 million., or 54%), Moldova ($ 6.5 million., or 27%) and Egypt ($ 1.9 million., or 8%).