Ukraine increased the export of stone fruit by 2 times in 2016

In 2016, Ukrainian gardeners increased the export of stone fruits (apricots, cherries, plums, peaches and thorns) in comparison with 2015 by 2.1 times - to 1.88 thousand tons. In terms of value, exports increased by 59% and amounted to 870.6 thousand dollars, the analytical department of the Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB) reported.
The basis of exports of this group of products is cherries, which were exported to the foreign market last year at about 1.5 thousand tons, which is 89% higher than in 2015. Revenue from exports of sweet cherry in 2016 increased by 46% and amounted to 750 thousand dollars.
The key consumers of Ukrainian stone fruit are Belarus (88% of supplies in 2016) and Moldova (11%).
The import of stone fruit to Ukraine also increased last year - by 54%, reaching 29.58 thousand tons. In monetary terms, imports increased by only 4% - up to 19.76 million dollars. The key import goods in this group remain peach and nectarine, the natural volume of imports amounted to 25.51 thousand tons last year (47% more than in 2015), and monetary - 17.1 million dollars (1% less than in 2015).
The main import supplies of stone fruits were last year from Greece (51%), Spain (22%), Moldova (10%), Turkey (9%) and Poland (6%).
Successful players of the fruit and berry branch of Ukraine, exporters and analysts will find out whether these trends will continue in 2017 and how to use the current fruit market conditions for the development of horticulture and processing at the special section "Export and Processing" during the IV National Garden Day. The event will be held on June 1, 2017 on the basis of the corporation "Agroprodservis" (Nastasov village, Ternopil region). You can find the program and register at
UFEB (Ukrainian Food Export Board) is an association of producers of ready for consumption food products, which helps domestic food industry enterprises to acquire new sales markets and consolidate them to traditional ones. The goal of UFEB is to create a positive image for food with the mark Made in Ukraine among consumers in all corners of the world. As part of its activities, UFEB provides its members with analytical and consulting assistance on the conditions and opportunities for export.