Ukraine increased exports of fish by 39% in 2016

In 2016, Ukrainian producers of fish and other aquatic biological resources increased export by 39% compared to 2015 – up to $ 21.8 million from $ 15.7 million, according to the Ukrainian Food Export Board Analytical Department (UFEB) .
Fish fillets and other fish meat dominated in the structure of exports in 2016, as well as in the previous year, amounting to 38 of revenues; prepared or preserved fish and caviar amounted to 21% and crustaceans to 20% of exports. Fresh or chilled fish and fish, dried, salted and smoked occupied significant proportion too (both 7%). Frozen fish and shellfish had last year 3%.
While the overall increase in exports amounts to 39% for some product groups revenues from shipments abroad increased significantly. Thus, the sale of fresh and chilled fish - 9.6 times, to $ 1.5 million, crustaceans - 4.2 times, to $ 4.4 million, frozen fish - 2.6 times, to $ 641 thousand, and shellfish - 2.4 times, to $ 684 thousand. Eхport reduction has not occurred on any of the positions.
"It is worth noting that, despite the significant export growth, figures in 2016 still lagged behind compared to 2014 by 32% - $ 21.8 million compared to $ 31.9 million. We are increasing exports after the loss of the Russian market on all positions. However, the greatest difficulties are experienced by exporters that supply prepared or preserved fish and caviar. After falling by 4.5 times in 2015 (to $ 4.6 million from $ 20.80 million in 2014), exports show no apparent recovery", - leading analyst of UFEB Anna Burka said.
Ways to overcome the crisis of the fishing industry and export development opportunities will be discussed on the first Ukrainian conference of producers and processors of fish and seafood “Fish and Seafood 2017”, to be held 16-17 February in the "Conference Hall Irpin".
The conference “Fish and Seafood in 2017” is organized the Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB). The event will be supported by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food Security of Ukraine and State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine and will gather over 200 participants from 120 leading enterprises of the fishing industry of Ukraine.
Contacts for press accreditation: tel. +38 067 332 54 75 or e-mail.: – Alina Zymenko.
You can find the updated program of activities following the link
Interested in details? For more information and concerning participation in the conference “Fish and Seafood in 2017”, contact tel. +38 067 470 18 46 or e-mail: - Daria Melnyk.
Register to participate in the “Fish and Seafood 2017” here
Do not miss the event of the year in the field of aquaculture and fish processing!